About Me

My Story

On my fifth birthday, I read two Junie B. Jones books in one sitting. It wasn’t long after that when my grandmothers, both voracious readers, took it upon themselves to hunt for books I would love just as much as the Junie B. series. By age six, I was reading Nancy Drew mysteries. At seven, I was working my way through the Bobbsey Twins and Little House in the Big Woods, followed by Little Women

As an adult, I find myself picking up the same books that I snuck into bed and read long into the night with a handy-dandy flashlight. I’m still drawn to books with strong and feisty female protagonists. I’m drawn to plots that have curveballs and keep me glued to the page. I’m drawn to the unexpected and the different and the weird. I’m drawn to books that have me saying “just one more chapter” at 2 a.m. when I really should be sleeping.

Stories and the written word spill over into every aspect of my life. If I’m not reading, I’m often writing, helping high school seniors polish their college admissions essays, and tutoring students in ELA skills. As a junior agent at Martin Literary Management, I also have the honor of reading through dozens of queries and working with authors to ensure that each piece shines.

As Junie B. said, “Books are my favorite things in the whole world!”

Notable Recent Reads

These are just a few of the latest books I’ve read that I can’t stop thinking about!

Fountains of Silence by Ruta Sepetys

-Borrow My Heart by Kasie West

Romanov by Nadine Brandes

Wuthering Heights by Emily BrontĂ«

In the Shadow of the River by Ann Gabhart